Slightly north of Cinci resides Big Butter Jesus (nee Touchdown Jesus, or Quicksand Jesus), reportedly the largest Christ statue in the world. I also reside slightly north of Cinci. Besides constantly reminding me of where the last presidential election was decided, living a couple miles from BBJ is marbles for one important reason. It's not because I'm anti-religion (I'm not). It's not because I'm personally against Jesus (he seemed like a friendly guy). It's not the moderate hypocrisy of false idols and mega-church millionaires. It's not that it makes for a good terrorist target (that's just overreacting). It's marbles because if they happen to be right, and armageddon is a'comin, then if I'm Lucifer I know where Phase 1 of Operation Shitstorm will occur. Well, it's either here or Wisconsin. Heathens.
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