Tuesday, October 7, 2008

BEHIND THE MARBLES: Stealing someone else's made up expletive is marbles

From my first potential litigant:

I love it when my friends put stuff on the internet for me to read all day while I pretend to be working, I just like getting proper attributions. Seems like someone would be getting off on the wrong foot in the fast pace world of published legal documents if they were remiss in their obligations to give credit where it was due. Just don't use my real name, I don't want my good name coming up on Google attached to this filth when people are checking my background for future work (filthy Palin cornfield!). So, how about all due credit to my friend [redacted] for the blog name. I'm watching you.
Okay, so maybe I didn't coin the phrase, but neither did this asshole. He said something boring, and I misheard it as something awesome. I did him a favor. And then the redacted asshole rode our coattails by pointing out that "that's marbles" would make a perfect exclamation/expletive. Nonetheless, under the applicable law of this jurisdiction, the first to blog has priority.

1 comment:

Bort said...

That's decidedly meta-marbles.