Friday, January 9, 2009

Emusic's recommendation engine is marbles

Come on, emusic. You can do better than this.

Over the past few months, has made a series of disjointed changes to its interface, some good, some bad. But the recommendation service on the homepage has to be the worst. Not only do you have to hover over each album cover to see the titles of the albums they've recommended for you, but THEY RECOMMEND ALBUMS YOU'VE ALREADY DOWNLOADED FROM THEM.

Thanks for recommending that Cut Copy record. You're right, it is something I enjoy. I particularly enjoyed it after I downloaded it from your site three months ago.

I'm no programmer, but I have to think that a recommendation engine would entail a series inputs (things you already have) and a series of outputs (things you don't already have). You'd think these two sets would be mutually exclusive, but in emusic's world, you'd be wrong. In fact, not only can an input be an output, but it can be the HIGHEST RECOMMENDED output. Nice work, fellas.

1 comment:

Jason said...

I'm totally hating the new interface and homepage.

I wish that eMusic would check my library once in awhile for recommendation purposes too. Most of the records they want me to get I have. It's fairly annoying and easily remedied (I think).